How old are my Levis Jeans? Are they Vintage?
Gone are the days of looking at a pair of Levis and guessing their age. A myriad of fades and stories of their life used to be the one great telltale sign. But today with manufacturers distressing and pre ageing denim, sometimes it's not so easy, I get asked this question a lot by buyers and browsers alike, heres a few tips that may help out.
Have you ever noticed a number written on the reverse of the top button on your vintage Levis jeans and wondered what it means? The answer is, this number refers to the factory where the jeans were made. In Levis jeans that do have this numbered button you should also find the same number printed or stitched on the inside care label – and if the numbers don’t match, you may have a fake…so something to look out for. I have been compiling a list for sometime and I'm happy to share. Please comment and let us know if you have any to add to the list.
Levis Factory Numbers
Australia - 341,153
Bangladesh - 3440, 3937, 4582
Bangladesh - 4582, 3440, 5098, 3937
Baclaran - 666
Belgium - 266
Brazil - 662
Cambodia - 3411, 3423, 3460, 5019, 5469, 865M
Canada - 216, 212, 239,217
Colombia - 689, 4051, 740, 748, 615, 177M
Croatia - C01
China - 3496, 3269, 4994, 0828, 4102, 3401, 1128, 3416, 1036, C182, 228M, 238,
Dominican - 333,333M, 351M
Egypt - 889, 3757, 4985, 4986, 1024, 4649, 8188
England/UK/ Great Britain - 299,211, 311
France - 275
Greece - G01, G30, G50
Guatemala 324, 436
Haiti - 267, 4384, 355
Hongkong - HKQ8, 112M
Hungary - 252
Indonesia - 3245
Italy - I01, I197, I16
Japan J02, J22, J39, J38, 3029, 3012, 3015
Korea K37, K91, K
Kenya 0438, 0238
Lesotho 450,499,3405
Malta - M41
Morocco - M74, 528
Mexico 4996, 4002, 4001, 104, 104M, 178M, 125, 138, 138M, 230, 989, 493, 647, 4032, 4093, 6056, 4090
New Zealand - 01, 03
Nicaragua 4460
Pakistan P44, 8520, 4309, 4311, 092
Philippines 359, 3071, 3073, 3074, 1300, P85
Poland 273, 1605, 8274
Romania 024
Quiapo - 999
Spain 295, 292
SriLanka - 906, 3449, 4403
Thailand T15
Tunisia T27, T31, T32, T34
Turkey T01,034, 247, 3813, 4006, 4016, 4649, 4896, 4983, 5044, 0172, 0145, 4528, 192
United States of America - 'USA' only used 3 digits after 1983
D, L, R, S, A, B, C, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 18, 23, 501, 511, 512, 515, 520, 522,
524, 524M, 525, 530, 532, 544, 544M, 546, 546M, 552, 976
553, 554, 555, 558 , 575, 643 ,650, 653, 698, 777, 4170, 4420, 337, 5115
643M, 0607, 1550
Vietnam V23, V, V14, 4459, 5222, 3989, 236M
Obviously being located in Australia, we are very Australian denim history focused, of course you'll find a lot of USA made vintage imports but the true gold for us, is the Australian made Jeans, a little piece of our own history, very well made and still going strong today.
The Levi Strauss company's record-paced expansion of its manufacturing capacity from 16 plants to more than 63 in the US – and 23 overseas – from 1964 to 1974.
In the 1980s, the company closed approximately 60 manufacturing plants worldwide because of financial difficulties and strong competition with more brands now in the denim marketplace.
Our main Levis Factory was located in Winterslow Road Elizabeth West in South Australia where production slowed in the 90's to trickle by 2000's. Levis left Australia completely in November 2004- closing the factory and laying off 86 employees. Although less common, some Levis were also made stamped Made in Australia stamped #153 which I believe these were Made in Melbourne in the 80's - if anyone has more info on factory 153 please reach out!

Pic. Levis Factory in Elizabeth West Circa 1975 courtesy of Playfords Past
All Levis that are made in Australia are now Vintage, which technically means they are 25 years or more old. So if your jeans have an inside label that says made in Australia it's a great sign. These labels will also be paper like or woven cloth not the satin labels which were used much later.
If your inside labels are removed you still have the button number if its #341 it was made from 70's-2000's.
But the inside label will normally have the model number, the factory number and the date of manufacture. As well as a lot of other numbers ( related to colour ,wash ect. that don't help at all!). The 80's the paper like label was attached to the back of the fly or down the side leg seem after the pocket lining and not at the front waist like todays versions. Jean care labels were introduced 1973, so if you don't have a care label or even tiny remnants in the seam where one once was, this could be a great sign.
Not all models had this info in the same place or order. But you should be able to nut it out. You are looking for the matching Factory number to the stamped back of the top front button.
Then a model Number Eg 501, 511 etc. Then you will find a usually four digit date eg 06 87 This indicated the jeans were made in June 1987.
Our Sample Below is Australian Made Factory 341
Model: 604's Made in October 1990

As far as fakes go, I've never seen an Australian labelled fake - they usually use a made in USA label and have a fake button stamp of 501. Not always 501 but its common.
I will be doing a deeper dive into Vintage Jeans in coming months. Got questions or something to add, please reach out...... Love to hear from you!
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